jaanuar 31, 2008

Akadeemilised kurvid

Kolleeg juhtis tähelepanu, et minu karjäär ülikoolis areneb peadpööritava kiirusega. Eesti teadusinfosüsteem tituleerib mind nimelt emeriitprofessoriks. Näete- pole mingit tarvidust rabada ega trikke teha- kõik tuleb iseenesest, eksole. Küll on vahva, peaaegu sama vahva, kui ma kord Dire Dawa ülikooli audoktor olin.

jaanuar 24, 2008

vaarikamahla lõputu tagavara...

Kas on võimalik, et omaenda eluloos on sul vaid kõrvalosa? Et ka selle osatäitmise eest saaks pigem razzie kui oscari?

jaanuar 08, 2008

Taaskord vahvaid üllatusi e-postkastist

No kae, kae, tõepoolest... sellise asjaga siis nüüd üritatakse püüda. Teadagi- personaalne lähenemine pidavat töötama. Aga kes teist seletaks mulle, kus on point, või noh, mis selle asja mõte on, ah? DEAR (minaise), It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion in the upcoming 2009 Edition of Who's Who in the World®, which is scheduled for publication in November 2008. Distributed globally, Marquis' Who's Who in the World is relied upon by business leaders, journalists, academics, and other professionals for its accuracy and currency of information. Additionally, it is found in the collections of many of the world's leading libraries and corporations. As the Marquis Who's Who editors begin assembling the 2009 Edition of this historic publication, the original Who's Who in the World continues to be recognized internationally as the premier biographical data source of notable living individuals from every significant field of endeavor/.../ Inclusion in Who's Who in the World offers...
  • More than just a personal achievement; being honored in a Marquis Who's Who publication offers prospective business contacts an authoritative, full representation of your credentials and accomplishments.
  • A historical archive of your achievements, recorded for generations to refer to time and again.
  • Exclusive offers that are available only to members of the Marquis Who's Who family. I congratulate you on the achievements that have brought your name to the attention of our editorial committee.
We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Robert Docherty, Director, Editorial and Selection Committee P.S. Inclusion of your biography in Who's Who in the World, of course, carries neither cost nor obligation to you of any kind. Our goal with each new edition is to have full representation of noteworthy and accomplished men and women across all fields and industries. Lubage, ma naeran nüüd jälle.

jaanuar 05, 2008

Kohtumiseni, Jaan!

Jaani maine teekond on lõppenud ja tema põrm maetud, ent ta ise ei ole kuhugi kadunud. Ei ole muutunud olematuks, sest juba ammu enne lahkumist oli ta saavutanud surematu staatuse ning elab meie heades mõtetes ikka edasi. Looming on igavene. Oli au Sind tunda! Aitäh Sulle, et võtsid vaevaks olla!